Many many years ago when I was twenty-three,
I got married to a widow who was pretty as could be.
This widow had a grown-up daughter
Who had hair of red.
My father fell in love with her,
And soon the two were wed.
This made my dad my son-in-law
And changed my very life.
My daughter was my mother,
For she was my father’s wife.
To complicate the matters worse,
Although it brought me joy.
I soon became the father
Of a bouncing baby boy.
My little baby then became
A brother-in-law to dad.
And so became my uncle,
Though it made me very sad.
For if he was my uncle,
Then that also made him brother
To the widow’s grown-up daughter
Who, of course, was my step-mother.
Father’s wife then had a son,
Who kept them on the run.
And he became my grandson,
For he was my daughter’s son.
My wife is now my mother’s mother
And it makes me blue.
Because, although she is my wife,
She’s my grandma too.
If my wife is my grandmother,
Then I am her grandchild.
And every time I think of it,
It simply drives me wild.
For now I have become
The strangest case you ever saw.
As the husband of my grandmother,
I am my own grandpa!!
The Data Protection Act
Roy Stockdill, Editor of The Journal of One-Name Studies, has recently been in communication with the Office of the Data Protection Registrar and has encouraged members of the Guild to pass on the replies which he received from them about the implications of the Data Protection Act. As Roy noted in one of his messages, the wider dissemination it receives the better!
The statement from the DPR is in the form of questions and answers as follows:
A Guide to the Registration Requirements for Genealogists
Compiled by Compliance Group A, April 1997
The Data Protection Act regulates the holding and use of information which is held on computer in order to protect the rights and freedoms of Individuals. The Data Protection Registrar aims to promote respect for the private lives of individuals and in particular for the privacy of their information.
The Data Protection Act requires that data users (i.e. those legal person who control the contents and use of particular collections of personal data) register the purposes for which they hold personal data. They are also required to provide a brief description of that data, including the source from which the data are obtained and the persons to whom that data might be disclosed. A registered data user is further obliged to comply with the eight Data Protection Principles. These are a set of enforceable rules for good data protection practice.
Computer bureaux are also required to register under the Act. A computer bureau is an individual or organisation who processes personal data on behalf of a data user or who allows a data user to use his computing equipment.
The Act defines ‘personal data’ as information relating to a living individual who can be identified from that information (or from that and other information in the possession of the data user). The Act applies to as little as a name and address. It applies to data collected from a public source. Therefore, unless a genealogist only holds historical data about deceased people, the Data Protection Act will apply to the data which they hold.
There are several specific exemptions from the requirement to register. If a data user can rely on one or more of the exemptions, registration is not required. The exemptions have strict conditions attached to them. It is the responsibility of the data user to satisfy himself that an exemption applies. The exemptions are explained in chapter 6 of the Guidelines (available from the Registrar’s Office). If a data user is unsure about whether registration is required he should contact the Registrar’s Office for further advice.
Domestic or Recreational Use
Personal data held by an individual and concerned only with the management of his own personal, family or household affairs or held by him only for recreational purposes are exempt from registration. Therefore, a genealogist holding personal data simply in connection with his own studies and research would not be required to register such data. However, the Registrar considers that the genealogist would no longer hold such personal data solely for his personal recreational purposes if he disclosed the data to another genealogist, or any other person, and the exemption would no longer apply. Similarly, the exemption would not apply where a genealogist holds personal data which is shared with, and provided by, a group of genealogists who share research information, or held in connection with a local society of genealogists, or a one-name society.
Unincorporated Members’ Clubs
There are several exemptions from registration which might apply to a club whose members are genealogists. These include an exemption for accounting, mailing lists and an exemption for unincorporated members’ clubs which can cover personal data relating to members which are held with the consent of the members. These exemptions are set out in detail in a separate factsheet for clubs and societies which is available from the Registrar’s Office. However, a genealogists club which held research data about living individuals who are not members of the club would be required to register.
Word processing
In addition to the exemptions from registration, there is a provision for word processing. A person or an organisation does not become a data user simply by using the editing facilities provided by a simple word processor, with the sole purpose of producing a letter or other document, even though that document, when printed, may contain personal data. However, if the documents are held on a computer as a store of personal data then this ‘exemption’ would not apply.
If you are satisfied that you need to register, please telephone our Registration Department on (01625) 545740. You will be asked the broad nature of your business. A registration form designed to cover your own particular business will be sent to you. You will be required to check the details, make any amendments and return the form with the registration fee. The current fee is £75.00 for three years.
Registration alone does not ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act. Once registered, a data user must comply with the eight Data Protection Principles. The Principles are enforceable rules for good practice.
Broadly, the Principles state that personal data must be:
1. Obtained and processed fairly and lawfully;
2. Held for the lawful purposes described in the data user’s entry;
3. Used only for those purposes, and disclosed only to those people described in the register entry;
4. Adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are held;
5. Accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date;
6. Held no longer than is necessary for the registered purpose;
7. Accessible to the individuals concerned who, where appropriate, have the right to have information about themselves corrected or erased;
8. Surrounded by proper security.
The principles are described in further detail in chapter 4 of the Guidelines, available from the Registrar’s Office on request. The Registrar’s staff will be happy to assist with any further questions about the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
As regards whether it is necessary to register if putting family tree on the Internet, the further advice from the Data Protection Registrar’s Office was as follows:
The Data Protection Act 1984 obliges all those organisations and/or individuals who process personal data to be registered with this office. There are some narrow exemptions from this requirement, all of which have stringent conditions attached. The fact that you intend to put this information on the Internet means that you would not be able to rely on any of the exemptions, and therefore you would need to register.
The First Data Protection Principle
Following on from registration data users must also comply with the eight Data Protection Principles of good data handling practice. Of particular relevance to your proposal is the First Principle which states that;
"The information to be contained in personal data shall be obtained, and personal data shall be processed, fairly and lawfully."
The Registrar takes the view that fair obtaining requires that people should be put in a position to decide whether or not to give the information requested. This will normally mean that they should be made aware of;
– the identity of the data user;
– any proposed uses of personal data which may not be obvious;
– any disclosures of personal data to third parties.
Our general position to anyone considering publishing personal data on the Internet is that this should only be done with the informed consent of the individuals concerned. We maintain that making such information available via a global medium such as the World Wide Web without the individuals involved understanding the implications of this and without their consent, would constitute unfair processing of personal data in contravention of the First Principle.
The 1998 Act is intended to implement in the UK the EU Data Protection Directive to be implemented by all the EU Member States. It did not originate in the UK (although we already had the less stringent 1984 UK Act which is now being replaced). One significant aspect is that any affected data cannot be transferred to a country outside the EU unless that country has equivalent data protection legislation. This would seem to rule out sending any such data outside Europe and especially to the USA.
Although the 1998 Act is mostly due to come into force on 1 April 2000, many of the rules and regulations are still awaited. The amount of the registration fee has only recently been announced as £35 per year which is a substantial increase over the figure of 75 pounds for three years under the 1984 Act.
A number of one name groups have registered following concerns over the implications and possible penalties of this legislation. The Lin(d)field One Name Group has recently registered as it seems clear that the cost is outweighed by the possible fines which can be incurred. The cost therefore equates to about 30 pence per member yearly.
On a related issue, members may have read of the project in Iceland to compile a database of DNA profiles. Here is part of an article which appeared in the San Fransisco Sunday Examiner, Dec. 19, 1999 under the headline – Iceland Company compiling vast database of nation’s DNA Profiles Sub Head_ Some scientists fear participants’ privacy could be in jeopardy.
"Within weeks the Icelandic Company, Decode Genetics, will begin collecting DNA samples from Iceland’s 270,000 citizens and linking the genetic profiles with their health records and family trees. It is an ideal site for using DNA to track genetic links to disease. Relatively few outsiders have moved in over 1,000 years, and the nation has extensive health records and family trees, some dating back 500 years. The company plans to use computer programs to search for patterns. Decode Genetics has the right to the database for 12 years and plans to sell information to pharmaceutical companies and researchers. It will take three years to complete the database programming, but much less time to get usable information".
Data Protection, as covered by the DP Act, is of course something of a misnomer. It should more accurately be described as Data privacy. In the more literal meaning of the phrase, there is at least one area where government agencies are patently failing to protect data. A number of correspondents have recounted how, having recently completed paying off their mortgage, they were duly sent the Land Registry Certificate by the Building Society, with instructions to forward the Certificate onto the Land Registry for updating. Most people have clearly assumed that their names would be entered at the bottom of the list of previous owners and the Certificate returned to them. Sadly, what is actually returned is a new computer-printed Certificate containing only the names of the current owner. The trajedy is that they destroy old Certificates when data has been added to the computer so that the primary evidence of previous owners to the property is destroyed forever. Members who may be approaching the long-awaited final mortgage payment might do well to retain a good quality copy of the Land Registry Certificate in order to minimise the damage caused by this wanton destruction of evidence!
The moral of the tale is "Always take photocopies of all evidence, because some people don’t ‘collect’ paper like genealogists do"
In Memory of Henry Lindfield – First Victim of the Motor Car
Last year saw the centenary of what is probably one of the more unusual Lin(d)field anniversaries, when Henry Lindfield of Brighton became the very first motorist to die from the injuries he received in Britain’s first fatal car crash. Accompanied by his 18 year old son, Henry’s car smashed into a tree at Russell Hill Road in Purley, Surrey. He was rushed to Croydon General Hospital, but died the following day.
All the main details of the accident, which happened on February 12 1898, were reported in the ‘Evening Argus’ of Brighton, where Henry had his home. As usual for this period, the article was particularly thorough:
"A sad fatal accident occurred on Saturday to Mr. Lindfield, a gentleman, of 42, Montpelier-street, Brighton. Mr. Lindfield, accompanied by his son, Mr. Bernard Lindfield, a young man of 18 or 19 years of age, was driving a motor car from London to Brighton. They had passed through Croydon, and at about two o’clock were descending a long hill, the machine running of its own impetus.
About half way down the hill the car began to sway, probably owing to the action of the brake, and at that time the son happened to remark, "I believe the bag has fallen out." Directly afterwards the vehicle became unmanageable, and swerving round on to the path ran through a light fence of barbed wire and struck against a tree with great force. Unfortunately one of Mr. Lindfield’s legs came between the motor car and the tree, the result being that it was completely smashed just below the knee. The son was thrown from the vehicle. He escaped practically unhurt, and finding his father jammed against the tree at once obtained assistance.
Mr. Lindfield was removed to the Croydon Hospital, where his injuries were found to be so serious (the main artery was shattered) that the three surgeons who were in attendance came to the conclusion that the only possibility of saving his life was by amputation of the injured limb. This was done, but after the operation Mr. Lindfield remained unconscious, and yesterday morning at about nine o’clock he died. Mr. Lindfield was able, just after his admittance to the hospital, to converse with his son, and to give him some directions in case he should not survive. The deceased gentleman, who was only 42 years of age, leaves two sons and a daughter to mourn his loss, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt. Mr. Lindfield was well-known and highly esteemed in Brighton, and the news of his untimely death will be received with very great regret by his many friends.The motor car which Mr. Lindfield was driving was a two-seated one, which he had just purchased. He took considerable interest in motor cars, and had on the previous Saturday brought another one, which he had also just purchased for private use, from London to Brighton, but on that occasion, it may be remarked, he was accompanied by an engineer."
The accident was also reported in the ‘Croydon Times’. Henry was apparently a ‘retired builder and contractor’ who lived at Lynton House, 42 Montpelier Street, Brighton. We now know from his birth certificate that he was born in Hampstead, Middlesex on November 21 1855, son of Thomas Lindfield, retired builder and his wife Elizabeth. During the 1870s, Henry married Laura Louisa Isom, and their son Bernard was born on July 3 1879 when they were living at 24 Albert Street. Henry’s occupation on the birth certificate is given as "gentleman". Following in his father’s profession, Henry was obviously doing well for himself; to own a motor car in those early pioneering days of motoring was a sign of wealth.
According to the article above, Henry and Laura had other children, another son and a daughter – certainly there were further births registered in the district of St. Pancras (notably Frances Jane Lindfield, registered in the 2nd quarter of 1881; Mira Edith Lindfield and Stanley Lindfield, registered in the 3rd quarter of 1883; and Sarah Lindfield, registered in the 1st quarter of 1884.)
On the anniversary of the tragic accident, a certain Mr. Porter of the safety group Roadwatch organised a prayer vigil at the spot in Russell Hill Road, at the junction with Purley Way, to "remember the half a million people who have died on Britain’s roads over the last century." A report in the Evening Argus also stated that he was trying to trace any descendants of Henry Lindfield. I have no idea whether he succeeded, but it would be intriguing to know. Assuming there are, do they actually know of their unfortunate ancestor’s untimely end, which has made him such an unenviable statistic? Certainly there are many who would argue that the motor car has, in many ways, been the scourge of the 20th century. Incidentally, although Henry was the first motorist to die in a car accident, he wasn’t the first person to die in a car crash. That dubious honour belongs to Bridget Driscoll, of Croydon, south London, who was knocked down by a car on August 17, 1896. According to a report in ‘The Times’ of August 12 1996, the coroner at the inquest into Mrs. Driscoll’s death "expressed the hope that such a thing would never happen again." (!!)
Although only 42 years of age at the time of his tragic death, Henry was already a widower, having lost his wife in 1893 at the age of 45. The administration of his estate, with a ‘limited’ will, was granted to Percy Benjamin Edward Isom, retired bootmaker, presumably his brother-in-law. The probate value of his estate came to £4230 16s 10d, a fairly substantial sum for the time.
Of course, driving at the turn of the century would have been unimaginably different to anything we take for granted nowadays. Not only were the roads badly made up, but there would have been an incredible amount of mud about, largely produced by the vast numbers of horses conveying the predominantly horse-drawn vehicles of the time. Another consequence was the large number of hobnails from horse shoes causing frequent punctures. And then there were also the practical difficulties involved in driving the cumbersome, heavy machines in these adverse conditions.
The Daily Mail was the only national newspaper to report the story in an article on February 11 1998 entitled "In memory of the man who found the car can be a killer." An interesting fact they managed to discover was that Henry was "agent for one of the newly formed motor companies of the day, International Cars." They also assert that "he was probably worried about whether the vehicle’s batteries would last all the way. Maximum range before recharging tended to be only 25 miles . . . " But going back to a Brighton Herald report of the Inquest (dated February 19 1898), the car "was worked by petroleum ignited by electricity." An engineer had driven them to Hammersmith before Henry took over, no doubt confident there would be few problems, especially as he "had driven the car two or three times" previously. The verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at the inquest held at Croydon Hospital on February 14.
We may know little about Henry’s descendants, but we do know something about his predecessors. As mentioned before, his parents were Thomas and Elizabeth Lindfield. Thomas married his mother, Elizabeth Chorley on 28 April 1855 at the parish church in Bethnal Green. When Henry was born, they were living at 19, Stanhope Street, Hampstead, St. Pancras. This was his father’s second marriage as he is shown on the marriage certificate as a widower. In 1839, according to the Times of 2 October, "Thomas Lindfield, junior, Stanhope Street, Hampstead Road, builder . . . " was to appear before the Bankrupt’s Court. This suggests that his father was also called Thomas.
From our index of wills and administrations (Linfield and Lindfield Wills and Administrations 1858-1920 from the Calendar of Wills at Somerset House by Alan Lindfield, 1995) we know that Thomas Lindfield died on 27 May 1867, at the age of 75 – presumably Thomas’s (and Henry’s) father. According to the marriage certificate, Thomas’s father was William Lindfield, gentleman; Elizabeth’s father was John Chorley, engineer. A possible match for his parents would be William Lindfield of Patcham, Brighton (born 1764) who married Mary Miles at the parish church of St. Nicholas, Brighton on 23 September 1788.
Incidentally, we have in the Group archives part of an indenture dated 11 February 1825 between William Raddon (of the first part) of Sidmouth Street, Thomas Lindfield (of the second part) of Beaumont Place and Thomas Griffiths of George Place (of the third part).
This indenture is concerned with land in "the parish of St. Pancras in the County of Middlesex fronting west on York Market" and in "the east by an intended Mews." The lease, to William Raddon, was for a period of 98 years land was situated in the the Regent’s Park area. Unfortunately, the missing portion of this document means we only have some of the details.
As something of a footnote to the tragedy surrounding Henry’s untimely end, our former President, Eric Linfield, contacted ‘The Guinness Book of Records’. Unfortunately, their reply was most unhelpful and rather imperious: "this proposal is not currently suitable for publication". I would have thought it more interesting than the record for eating the most baked beans with a cocktail stick, or the person with the longest finger nails in the world! It would seem that the ‘Guinness Book of Records’ is more interested in the bizarre and sensational these days, which is a great pity.
The First Millennium Bug
The year, though only the most educated classes realised it, was AD 999. The teenaged Otto III was Holy Roman Emperor, Sylvester II was Pope and Ethelred II was in the middle of his long reign as King of England. But there came warnings of a disaster that could cast Europe into darkness. "We’ve left it too late," moaned Edward the Confuser, the man who had personally been selected by King Ethelred to head his Millennium task force. "The only hope now is to train 20,000 carpenters to make enough abacuses to replace all those being used by small businesses throughout the country." Edward has been warning small businessmen for more than a year of the hazards that faced them when the calendar ticked over from IM (or DCCCCLXXXXVIIII as some preferred to write it) to the year M Anno Domini – or MAD as it was commonly known. Abucuses which had been made with only three beads on them to save space and money were in danger of resetting themselves to the year zero, which never existed in the first place because Arab and Indian mathematicians who knew about zero had not brought the concept to Europe yet. "The time for action is now," said Edward. "Any abacus designed for use with Roman numerals will fail. And they won’t be able to be fixed, as many people seem to think, just by twiddling a few beads. The fault is deep in their operating system and the nation as a whole has not begun to appreciate the seriousness of the problem. Just imagine what will happen when the year M arrives. Abacuses, which code the number as 1000, will need not only an extension to their memory, but three extra zeroes which our number system does not yet recognise. That’s three zeroes for every abacus in the land. Even if we started all-out zero production now we wouldn’t have enough of them ready in time." Ethelred was confused. The idea of producing large numbers of nothings was one he had difficulty getting his head around. "Explain to me again," he asked Edward the Confuser, "how this can bring about a catastrophe. How can a lack of nothing be bad?" "Mark my words," Edward said, "nought shall make us rue. It’s not just the abacus owners but their customers and suppliers who will feel the effect. Have you ever tried buying anything from a shopkeeper with a dud abacus?" The King admitted that he had never tried buying anything from any shopkeeper at all. He had servants to do that sort of thing. "Well I can tell you, my liege," Edward went on, "it’s a disaster.
They simply can’t work out the right amount of change. The butcher won’t sell any meat, the baker won’t sell any bread, and as for the candlestick-maker, all I can say is that if we don’t take drastic steps now, the candles will go out all over Europe and we shall be plunged into the dark ages. It’s Your Majesty’s decision, of course, but if you don’t order a nationwide alert now, you will forever be known as Ethelred the Millennially Unprepared.
The LONG Library
Members will probably be aware that the group has a considerable library of books and other research materials, which are catalogued in the same database as that used for information on individuals. The list includes not only those items owned by the Group, but also books and other material owned by individual members who have offered to make the material available for research. The list which follows is not complete, but gives an idea of the range of material available, and which members may find helpful in their own research. In general, any references to the Linfield name and variants will have been noted, and the information added to the database, but obviously many of these sources will also contain useful information on other names being researched by members of the group.
If you believe that any of these publications might assist you in your research, please contact me in the first instance. In most cases, I will check the item for you and send you copies of anything I find. Where the amount of material of interest is considerable, or the item needs to be studied more fully, I may be able to send the item by post, subject to all postage costs being paid by the member requesting the document. However, in some cases, legal or technical constraints prevent the loan of items, and some of the books are too valuable, or too fragile, to risk sending by post. In the case of items owned by individual members, any such loan must clearly be a private arrangement between the people concerned.
The format of each entry is as follows:
- Title (in some cases this is shortened in order to fit in the name field of the database)
- Author
- Date of publication
- Publisher
- ISBN number
- Format (number of pages, hardback/softback/fiche etc)
Clandestine Marriages in Fleet Prison, Mark Herber, 1998, Francis Boutle Publishers, ISBN 0 9532388 4, Softback 128pp,
Poll Books c1696-1872, Jeremy Gibson and Collin Rogers, 1994, FFHS, ISBN 1 872094 85 6, Softback 56pp,
Hastings Baptisms 1700-1877, A-J, 1995, PBN Publications, 3 fiche,
Guidance Notes for FHS Treasurers, Brian Slater and Peter Dewdney, FFHS, ISBN 1-86006-035-8, Softback 38pp,
Officers Died in Great War, Facsimile edition 1975, HMSO, ISBN, Paperback,
Kelly’s Directory, Horsham, 1970, Kelly, Softback,
Victorian Horsham, Kenneth Neale, 1975, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 85033 228 1, Hardback,
Vol-43 Sussex Arch Collections, Sussex Archaeological Society, 1900, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback,
Census Index 1891 Norwood, ?? May 1995, East Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-7710, Fiche,
Census Index 1891 Lambeth, 1995, East Surrey FHS, Fiche,
Census Index 1851 Brixton, Piece no 1575, May 1995, East Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-7710, Fiche,
Census Index 1851 Lambeth, Piece nos 1571/2, May 1995, East Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-7710, Fiche,
Census Index 1891 Kennington, Piece nos 1573, 1574, May 1995, East Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-7710, Fiche,
Census Index 1891 Penge, Croydon sub dist; HO107/1601, East Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-7710, Fiche,
Census Index 1851 Lewisham, 1992, NW Kent FHS; vol IV, ISBN 0 9513760 5 5, Softback, 181 pp, A5,
Census Index 1851 Sturminster, Murial Monk, Somerset & Dorset FHS, 1990, Somerset & Dorset FHS, ISBN 1 871257 35 2, Softback, 158pp, A5,
Census Index 1851 West Surrey, 1990, West Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-4576, Fiche, 5,
Census Index 1851 Strays Surrey, Record Series 14, 1991, West Surrey FHS, ISSN 0261-5681, Softback 56pp A5+fiche 2
First World War Graves in Sussex, Peter J Bilbrough, 1992, Sussex Family History Group, ISBN 0 9513580 6 5, Softback, A5, 48pp,
Army Records for Family Historians, Simon Fowler, 1992, PRO Publications, ISBN 1 873162 04 9, Softback, 92pp, A5,
Army Service Records of the First WW, Fowler, Spencer and Tamblin, 1996, PRO Publications, ISBN 1 873162 31 6, Softback, 55pp, A4,
Census Index 1851 City of London, Vol 1; pieces, London & W Middx FHS, Fiche,
Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths Boston, Record Commissioners, Boston MA, 1978, Wm Appleton, Genealogical Publ Co Inc, ISBN 0 8063 0810 9, Hardback,
A History of Lingfield, Arthur Hayward and Stanley Hazell, Nov 1933, Courier Printing and Publ Co, Hardback, 86pp,
Ordnance Survey Maps of Horsham, Facsimile copies,
The Quakers, A Neave Brayshaw, 1921, George Allen and Unwin Ltd, Hardback, 365pp,
Trans of Ancient Monuments Socy, Vol 21, 1976, Ancient Monuments Society, Softback 150pp,
Census Index 1851 Islington, Vol IV: Islington, London & North Middx FHS, Fiche 3,
Master Name Index, Index to CD ROMs, 1994, Automated Archives Inc, CD ROM,
Marriage Records MD VA & NC, 1994, Automated Archives Inc, CD ROM,
Census Index Pre-1790 Colonial America, 1993, Automated Archives Inc, CD ROM,
Marriage Records Pre 1850 Southern State, 1993, Automated Archives Inc, CD ROM,
Who’s Who 1929, 1929, A & C Black, Hardback 3392 pp,
Vol-123 Sussex Arch Collections, 1985, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 286 pp,
Vol-121 Sussex Arch Collections, 1983, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback 238 pp,
Vol-74 Sussex Arch Collections, 1933, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback 268 pp,
Vol-87 Sussex Arch Collections, 1948, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback 220 pp,
Vol-84 Sussex Arch Collections, 1945, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback 161 pp,
Kelly’s Directory Brighton & Hove, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, Hardback 1550 pp,
History of Crawley, Peter Gwynne, 1990, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 85033 718 6, Hardback 176 pp,
Printed Maps of Sussex, D Kingsley, 1982, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 0 85445 031 9, Hardback 439 pp,
Worldwide Family History, Noel Currer-Briggs, 1982, Routledge and Kegan Paul, ISBN 0 7100 0934 8, Hardback 230 pp,
Church of Holy Trinity Hurstpierpoint, John Norris, 1993, J Norris and Hurstpierpoint PCC, Softback, A5, 24pp,
Post Office Directory 1846 London, Facsimile edition, 1994, M J Winton, ISBN 0 9504069 906, Softback 792 pp,
Parish Registers of Hove and Brighton, Ernest Frederick Salmon, 1912, Mitchell Hughes and Clare (subscription) Cinderhill Books, Mayfield, Hardback 120 pp,
Parishes in Boyd’s Marriage Index, Society of Genealogists, 1976, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 85033 273 7, Softback 44 pp,
Dictionary of Heraldry, Joseph Foster, 1992, Studio Editions Ltd, ISBN 1 85170 930 4, Softback 224 pp,
Bidwell’s Guide to Government Ministers Robin Bidwell, 1973, Frank Cass and Co Ltd, ISBN 0 7146 2977 4, Hardback 298 pp,
A-Z of Victorian London, George W Bacon, 1987, Harry Margary & Guildhall Library, ISBN 0 903541 39 4, Hardback 140 pp,
Poll Book 1754 Nottinghamshire, Society of Genealogists, ISBN 0 901878 93 6, Fiche, 1,
Poll Book 1784 Buckinghamshire, 1994, Society of Genealogists, Fiche, 4,
Poll Book 1741 Leicestershire, 1994, Society of Genealogists, Fiche, 4,
Poll Book 1749 Westminster, Society of Genealogists, Fiche, 5,
Bank of England Will Extracts, 1807-45, Society of Genealogists, Fiche, 6,
Bankrupt Directory, 1774-86, 1994, Society of Genealogists, Fiche, 2,
Inhabitants of London in 1638, 1994, Society of Genealogists, Fiche, 6,
Kelly’s Directory, Horsham, 1957, Kelly’s, Softback 282 pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, May 1934, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, August 1932, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, November 1932, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, May 1933, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, August 1933, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, November 1933, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, February 1934, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, May 1934, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, August 1934, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32pp,
Notes and Queries, Sussex, November 1934, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 32 pp,
Crockford’s Clerical Directory 1947, 1947, Oxford University Press, Hardback 2100pp,
Vol-99 Sussex Arch Collections, 1961, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 159pp,
Vol-107 Sussex Arch Collections, 1969, Sussex Archaeological Society, Softback 191pp,
Vol-90 Sussex Arch Collections, 1952, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback 252pp,
Directory to Dorking and Leatherhead, 1921, Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser, Softback 205 pp,
Authors and Writers Who’s Who, 1960, Burke’s Peerage Ltd, Hardback 454 pp,
Census Index 1851 Hampshire, Feb 1995, Hants Genealogical Society, ISSN 0144 5200, Fiche 5,
War Memorials from Chichester, Katherine Slay, 1995, Sussex Family History Group, S/back 34 pp + index,
Enrolments under Navy Act 1796, Kent, 1996, Gillian Rickard, ISBN: 0-9521828-7-4, S/back 56 pp,
Census Index 1851 Sevenoaks, 1996, NW Kent FHS, ISBN 0 9513760 8 X, s/back 104 pp,
Census Index 1891 Hampshire, 1996, Hants Genealogical Society, ISSN 0144-5200, Fiche 1,
Census Index 1891 Hampshire, 1995, Hants Genealogical Society, ISSN 0144-5200, fiche 1,
Pigot’s Directory Hampshire, Brooks Davies, Fiche 1,
Navy List 1851, M M Publications, fiche 2,
Pigot’s Directory Hampshire, M M Publications, fiche 1,
Kent’s Directory London, M M Publications, fiche 2,
Register of Architects, 1995, Architects Registration Council, Softback 425 pp,
Members Directory, 1996, Royal Institute of British Architects, s/back 500 pp,
Members Directory, 1992, Royal Institute of British Architects, Softback 500 pp,
Metropolitan Police Index to Officers,
Kelly’s Directory, Worthing, 1964, Hardback 896pp,
Kelly’s Directory, Worthing, 1956, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, Hardback 814pp,
Old Collyerians Assoc Year Book, 1926, Old Collyerians Association, Softback 16pp,
Census Index 1841-91 Itchingfield, 80pp softback,
Census Index 1841-91 Shermanbury, Sussex Family History Group, Softback 80pp,
Census Index 1841-91 Bramber, Sussex Family History Group, Softback 34pp,
Members Interests, Kent FHS, 1993, Kent FHS, Softback,
Register of One Name Studies, Guild of One Name Studies, 8th edition, Guild of One Name Studies, Softback 80pp,
Register of One Name Studies, Guild of One Name Studies, 9th edition, Guild of One Name Studies, Softback 96pp,
Register of One Name Studies, Guild of One Name Studies, 11th edition, Guild of One Name Studies, Softback 82pp,
Register of One Name Studies, Guild of One Name Studies, 12th edition, Guild of One Name Studies, Softback,
Register of One Name Studies, Guild of One Name Studies, 13th edition, Guild of One Name Studies, Softback,
St Mary The Virgin, Shipley, M M Hickman, S/back 16pp,
Who’s Who in America, Marquis Who’s Who Inc, Hardback 2585pp,
Who’s Who in America, Vol 1, A-K, Marquis Who’s Who Inc, Hardback,
Who’s Who in America, Vol 2, L-Z, Marquis Who’s Who Inc, Hardback,
Kelly’s Directory, Surrey, Hardback 2000pp,
Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1952, Surrey Archaeological Society, Hardback 166pp,
Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1938, Surrey Archaeological Society, Hardback 172pp,
Library Association Year Book, Hardback,
Library Association Year Book, Hardback,
A-Z of Georgian London, 1982, London Topographical Society, ISBN 0 902087 16 9, Hardback 88pp,
Silver Eagle Directory, Horsham, Silver Eagle Publications, Hardback 438pp,
Kelly’s Directory, Bexhill, Board 312pp,
Kelly’s Directory, Horsham, 1964, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, Softback 310pp,
Vol-68. Journal of Giles Moore, Sussex Record Society, Hardback 356pp,
Vol-73. Corres of Dukes of Richmond etc Sussex Record Society, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 0 85445 032 7, Hardback 326pp,
Vol-77. East Sussex land Tax 1785, Sussex Record Society, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 038 6, Hardback 309pp,
Vol-78. Chichester Diocesan Surveys, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 039 4, Hardback 300pp,
Vol-79. St Richard of Chichester, Sussex Record Society, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 040 2, Hardback 265pp,
Church of England Year Book, ISBN 0 7151 8074 6, Softback 440 pp,
Catholic Directory, 1962, Burns and Oates, Hardback 204 pp,
Business Who’s Who, 1974, Leviathan House/Daily Telegraph, ISBN 0 900537 21 3, Hardback 551 pp,
International Who’s Who in Community Svc, ISBN 0 85649 012 1, Hardback 851 pp,
Regiments and Corps of the British Army Ian S Hallows, 1994, Arms and Armour Press, ISBN 1 85891 237 7, Hardback 320 pp,
Previous Offences, W H Johnson, 1997, S B Publications, ISBN 1 85770 123 2, Softback 88 pp,
Medical Directory 1989, Longman Group, ISBN 0 582 03413 2, Hdbk 2 vols 3728 + app,
Crockford’s Clerical Directory 1961-2, Oxford University Press, Hardback 2000 pp,
Oxford University Calendar 1950, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Hardback,
Dod’s Parliamentary Companion 1984, Dod’s Parl Companion, ISBN 0 905702 09 3, Hardback 781 pp,
Vol-89 Sussex Arch Collections, Sussex Archaeological Society, Sussex Archaeological Society, Hardback,
War Office List 1804, Sx Sy Hants & Kent, 1995, PBN Publications, Fiche,
Sussex Poll 1820, PBN Publications, Fiche 2,
Census Index, Ashurst 1841-91, 1994, SFHG, Fiche 1,
Sussex Electors 1832, 1992, PBN Publications, ISBN 1 871384 24 9, 116pp A5 softback,
English Nonconformity for Family Historians, Michael Gandy, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1-86006-072-2, Softback 16pp,
Kent -A Genealogical Bibliography Vol 1 Stuart A Raymond, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1-86006-071-4 ISSN 1033-2065, Softback 104pp,
Kent – A Genealogical Bibliography Vol 2 Stuart A Raymond, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1-86006-070-6 ISSN 1033-2065, Softback 66pp,
South West Family Histories, Stuart A Raymond, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1-86006-073-0 ISSN 1033-2065, Softback 128pp,
Surrey Feet of Fines, Cliff Webb, 1996, West Surrey FHS,
West Surrey Burial Index 1841-1865, Cliff Webb, West Surrey FHS, Fiche (2),
Surrey Before 1837, West Surrey FHS, Map A3,
Commissary Court of Surrey, 1660-1751, Cliff Webb, 1997, West Surrey FHS,
Kelly’s Directory, Worthing,
The Dentists Register, 1969, General Dental Council,
Association of Certified Accountants,
London Inhabitants Within
the Walls, 1966, London Record Society,
Courts Martial and Executions, 1998, Stuart Tamblin, 3.5 disk,
Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Surrey, Aug 1997, East Surrey FHS, ISSN 0952-7710,
Naval Who’s Who 1917, 1981, J B Hayward and Sons, Hardback 343pp,
South Africa 1853 Medal, G R Everson, 1978, Samson Books Ltd, ISBN 0 906304 02 4, Hback 155pp,
RAF Retired List 1986, HMSO, ISBN 0 11 772562 5, Softback 371pp,
Army List, HMSO, ISBN 0 11 772588 9, Softback 550pp,
Directory of British Scientists 1964-5, 1964, Ernest Benn Ltd, Hardback 2000pp,
Concise Encyclopedia of Heraldry, Guy Cadogan Rothery, 1985, Bracken Books Ltd, ISBN 0 946495 32 7, Hardback 360pp,
Kelly’s Directory, Canterbury, 1968, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, Softback 352pp,
Copyright and Database Right, David Lambert, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 092 7, Softback 28pp,
Looking at Old Photographs, Robert Pols, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 088 9, Softback 80pp,
Photography for Family Historians, Robert Pols, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 089 7, Softback 90pp,
More Sources of WW1 Army Ancestry, Norman Holding, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 083 8, Softback 102pp,
Using Computers for Genealogy 2nd Edn., David Hawgood, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 081 1, Softback 48pp,
Tracing .. Catholic Ancestry in England Michael Gandy, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 084 6, Softback 16pp,
Land & Window Tax Assessments, Jeremy Gibson, M Medleycott & D Mills, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 054 4, softback 72pp,
Specialist Indexes for Family Historians Jeremy Gibson & Elizabeth Hampson, 1998, FFHS, ISBN 1 86006 078 1, softback 64pp,
Wessex Newfoundland Socy- The Link No 35 Wessex Newfoundland Society, Oct 1997, Wessex Newfoundland Society, A4 25pp,
Wessex Newfoundland Socy- The Link No 36 Wessex Newfoundland Society, Wessex Newfoundland Society, 25pp A4,
Wessex Newfoundland Socy- The Link No 37 Wessex Newfoundland Society, Apr 1998, Wessex Newfoundland Society, A4 25pp,
Wessex Newfoundland Socy- The Link No 38 Wessex Newfoundland Society, July 1998, Wessex Newfoundland Society, A4 25pp,
Wessex Newfoundland Socy- The Link No 39 Wessex Newfoundland Society, Oct 1998, Wessex Newfoundland Society, A4 25pp,
Wessex Newfoundland Socy- The Link No 34 Wessex Newfoundland Society, Jun 1997, Wessex Newfoundland Society, A4 25pp,
Register of Defunct Companies, 1990, Macmillan Publishers Ltd, ISBN 0-333-51529-3, Hardback 550pp,
Directory of Directors 1992, 1992, 1992, Reed Information Services, ISBN 0 611 00790 8, 1306 pp hardback,
Directory of Directors 1992, 1992, Reed Information Services, ISBN 0 611 00790 8, Hardback 1300 pp,
Directory of Directors 1968, Thos Skinner & Co Publishers, 1155 pp hb,
Directory of Directors 1961, 1961, Thos Skinner & Co Publishers,
Records of the Royal Marines, Garth Thomas, 1994, PRO Publications, ISBN 1 873162 19 7, A4 64pp sb,
Aces High (WW2 Fighter Pilots), Christopher Shores & Clive Williams, 1994, Grub Street, ISBN 1-898697-00-0, hb 663pp,
Recipients of the DCM 1855-1909, P E Abbott, 1987, Athanaeum Press, ISBN 0 903754 37 1, hb 127pp,
Kelly’s Tradefinder of Horsham 1974, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, 1974, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, sb 65pp,
Register of One Name Studies, 14th Edition, Guild of One Name Studies, ISBN 0 9516478 5 7,
Vol-74 Ssx Coroners Inquests 1485-1558, Sussex Record Society, 1985, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 033 5, hb 105pp,
Vol-61. Sussex Estate & Tithe Award Maps Sussex Record Society, 1962, Sussex Record Society, hb 240pp,
Vol-6 Ssx Marr Lics, Lewes 1670-1728, Sussex Record Society, 1998, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 004 1, hb 406pp,
Vol-71 Accounts of Roberts Family, Sussex Record Society, 1979, Sussex Record Society, hb 181 pp,
Vol-48 Town Book of Lewes 1542-1701, Sussex Record Society, 1945, Sussex Record Society, hb 143 pp,
Vol-5 W Sx Protestation Returns 1641-2, Sussex Record Society, 1998, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 045 9, hb 245 pp,
Vol-1 Sussex Marr Lics Lewes 1586-1643, Sussex Record Society, 1998, Sussex Record Society, ISBN 085445 003 3, hb 366 pp,
Vol-81 Sussex Schools in 18th Century, John Caffyn, 1998, Sussex Record Society & J Caffyn, ISBN 085445 042 4, hb 509pp,
Solicitors & Barristers Directory 1985, 1985, Waterlow Publishers Ltd, hb 1352pp,
Solicitors & Barristers Directory 1986, 1986, Waterlow Publishers Ltd, hb 1400pp,
Solicitors & Barristers Directory 1987, 1987, Waterlow Publishers Ltd, hb 1400pp,
The Distinguished Service Medal 1914-20 W H Fevyer, 1982, J B Hayward and Sons, ISBN 903754 97 5, hb 121 pp,
Honours & Awards, Canadian Naval Forces Paquette & Bainbridge, Project Gallantry, Victoria, BC, ISBN 0 9692679 0 8, sb 400pp,
Role of Honour RFC & RAF 1914-18, 1992, Naval & Military Press Ltd, ISBN 897632 20 7, hb 270pp,
Census Index 1851 E Sussex Vol 9, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 09 6, sb 83pp,
Census Index 1851 E Sussex Vol 18, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 17 7, sb 108pp,
Census Index 1851 E Sussex Vol 10, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 10 X, sb 100pp,
Census Index 1851 E Sussex Vol 16, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 15 0, sb 80pp,
Census Index 1851 E Sussex Vol 20, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 19 3, sb 112pp,
Vital Records Index, British Isles, 1998, Church of LDS, 6 CD ROM set,
Census 1851, Devon Norfolk & Warwicks, 1998, Church of LDS, 1 CD ROM,
Australian Vital Records Index, 1998, Church of LDS, 4 CD set,
N American Vital Records Index, 1998, Church of LDS, 8 CD set,
Vol-69. Town Book of Lewes 1702-1837, 1973, Sussex Record Society,
Vol-66 Sussex Maps Vol 2, Francis W Steer (Ed), 1968, Sussex Record Society, Hb 228pp,
Kelly’s Directory, Hastings 1964, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, hb 672pp,
Kelly’s Directory, Lewes 1973, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, sb 114pp,
Kelly’s Directory Eastbourne 1969, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, sb 848pp,
Air Force List, 1963, HMSO, sb 1288pp,
Census User’s Handbook, David Rhind, 1983, Methuen & Co Ltd, ISBN 0 416 30520 2,
Goodwood Estate Archives Vol 2, Francis W Steer & J E Amanda Venables, 1972, West Sussex County Council, hb 168pp,
Cowdray Archives Catalogue Part 2, A A Dibben, 1964, West Sussex County Council, hb 422 pp,
Probate Invtrs, Crawley, Ifield & Worth Pat Bracher, 1990, Crawley History Group, sb A4 90 pp,
Census 1966, HMSO, 1969, HMSO, sb foolscap 278 pp,
Chartered Institute of Secretaries, CIS, 1931, hb 470 pp,
Kelly’s Handbook of Titled etc, Kelly’s Directories Ltd, 1931, hb 1800 pp,
Phillimore Atlas of Parish Registers, Cecil Humphery-Smith, 1984, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 85033 398 9,
Discovering your Family History, Don Steel, 1980, BBC, ISBN 0 563 16286 4,
Genealogy for Beginners, Arthur J Willis, 1976, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 900592 31 1,
Tracing your Ancestors A-Z Guide, 5th Ed Pauline Saul, 1995, Countryside Books & FFHS, ISBN 1 85306 379 7,
Tracing your Ancestors in the PRO, Jane Cox & Timothy Padfield, 1985, HMSO, ISBN 0 11 440186 1,
Dictionary of Genealogy, Terrick V H Fitzhugh, 1986, Alphabooks, ISBN 906670 38 1,
Family History in Southwark, Leonard Reilly, 1996, Southwark Local Studies Library, ISBN 0 905849 20 5,
Badges of the British Army, F Wilkinson, 1992, Arms and Armour Press, ISBN 1 85409 135 2,
The Streets of London (name origins), S Fairfield, 1984, PaperMac (MacMillan), ISBN 0 333 28649 9,
Old Title Deeds, N W Alcock, 1986, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 85033 593 0,
How to Read Old Documents, E E Thoyts, 1980, Phillimore & Co, ISBN 0 85033 374 1,
Vol-15 Bolney Registers 1541 – 1812, Sussex Record Society, Sussex Record Society,
Vol-17 Ardingly Registers 1558-1812, Sussex Record Society, Sussex Record Society,
Dictionary of the 2nd World War, Elizabeth-Anne Wheal & Stephen Pope, 1995, Macmillan Publishers Ltd, ISBN 0 333 61936 6, hb 548pp,
Geneal Reg of 1st Settlers of N England John Farmer, 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co, ISBN 0 8063 0108 2, hb 350pp,
British Officers Taken Prisoner 1914-18 Cox & Co, 1988, London Stamp Exchange Ltd, ISBN 0 948 13081 4, sb 220pp,
Death Sentences.. British Army 1914-24, Julian Putkowski, 1998, Francis Boutle Publishers, ISBN 9532388 0 6, sb A4 128pp,
Blue Book, Brighton & Hove 1902, Pike’s, 1902, Robinson Printing Co Ltd, Brighton, hb 1072pp,
Crockford’s Clerical Directory 1953/4, 1954, Oxford University Press, hb 570pp,
Wimbledon Vestry Minutes 1736, 1743-88, Surrey Record Society, 1964, Surrey Record Society, hb 158pp,
Rugby School Who’s Who, A C Guthrie (ed), 1989, Halpen Graphic Communications Ltd, ISBN 0 9503697 0 5, hb 424pp,
The Survey of London, John Stow, 1965, J M Dent & Sons Ltd, sb 532pp,
The Face of London, Harold P Clunn, 1937, Simpkin Marshall Ltd, hb 564 pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 1, C J Barnes, 1987, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 00 2, sb 80pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 2, C J Barnes, 1987, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 01 0, sb 96pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 3, C J Barnes, 1987, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 02 9, sb 100pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 4, C J Barnes, 1987, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 03 7, sb 112pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 5, C J Barnes, 1987, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 04 5, sb 80pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 6, C J Barnes, 1988, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 05 3, sb 92pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 7, C J Barnes, 1988, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 06 1, sb 104pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 8, C J Barnes, 1988, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 08 8, sb 112pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 12, C J Barnes, 1988, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 07 X, sb 80pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 13, C J Barnes, 1989, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 13 4, sb 64pp,
Census Index East Sussex 1851 Vol 17, C J Barnes, 1990, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 16 9, sb 80pp,
Index of Surrey Probate Inventories, Jean Holman & Marion Herridge, 1986, Domestic Buildings Research Group (Sry) ISBN 0 9511553 0 X, sb 190pp,
Census Index 1851 E Sussex Vol 19, 1991, C J Barnes, ISBN 1 870264 18 5, sb104pp,
Census Index, Cowfold 1841-91, Sussex Family History Group, 2 fiche,
Medical Directory 1951 Pt 2, 1951, J & A Churchill Ltd, hb 1400pp,
Ecclesiastical Directory 1829, Society of Genealogists, Society of Genealogists, 6 MF,
Law List 1812, Society of Genealogists, Society of Genealogists, 3 mf,
Pigot’s Directory 1830 Dorsetshire, Society of Genealogists, Society of Genealogists, 1 mf,
London Apprentices Founders Co 1643-1800 Cliff Webb, 1998, Society of Genealogists, ISBN 1 85951 305 0, A5 89pp,
Longshot Vol 7, No. 2
The LONG Library, by Alan G Lindfield
A Visit to the Somme, by Alan M Linfield
What’s in a Date?, by Alan G Lindfield
The First Millennium Bug
In Memory of Henry Lindfield – First Victim of the Motor Car, by Malcolm Linfield
The 1901 Census, by Alan Lindfield
The Data Protection Act, by Alan Lindfield
How I became my own Grandpa
Front Cover: The Memorial at Thiepval, France, to soldiers who died in the battles of the Somme and Ancre and who have no known grave. See article on page 54.