Longshot Vol 11, No. 2

Linfield and Lindfield Wills and Administrations (1858-1943) Part 6: 1938-1943, by Malcolm Linfield
Percy Frank Linfield, by Malcolm Linfield
Peeps into the Past …
The Political Career of Frederick Caesar Linfield, by Malcolm Linfield
Ipswich Borough Record Extracts relating to Lindfields or connected families, including other snippets of interest. Part V: The records, 1664-1668, by Ian Anderson
Portrait Gallery
The Medal Rolls Index for 1914-1920, by Alan Lindfield
Captain Bartholomew Gosnold – explorer and pioneering settler of the New World, by Malcolm Linfield

Front cover: General Election campaign postcard for Frederick Caesar Linfield, possibly for the election of 1922 (see article ‘The Political Career of Frederick Caesar Linfield’ pp. 52).