The L.O.N.G. Library, by Alan Lindfield
Thomas Cole of the 10th Hussars, by Rosemary Milton
Notes and Queries
The Avery Connection, by Mary Offer
West Sussex Protestation Returns, by Malcolm Linfield
Harry Linfield of Sullington, by Malcolm Linfield
A Family Business, by Peggy Champ
Roots and Cuttings, by Alan Lindfield
Ralph Parkinson Linfield: an Update, by Malcolm Linfield
Two Years On, by Malcolm Linfield
Front Cover: This picture of Harry Linfield of Sullington was probably taken between 1870 and 1875 and was discovered by Joan Ham in an album of old photographs belonging to Emily Carew Gibson of Sandgate. It is reproduced here with the kind permission of the West Sussex Record Office. An article about Harry appears on page 29.