Sands of Time

“Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.”

When Longfellow wrote these famous lines, I doubt that he was thinking of family history; however, there is no doubt that we all leave some “footprints on the sands of time”, whether or not our lives are sublime! Some of these footprints only come to light after we have departed this life, and amongst the more useful are the contents of wills and administrations. For this reason, one of our first tasks on setting up the Group, was to transcribe the probate records held at Somerset House, which cover the period from 1858 to the present. We have now published the contents of the Calendar of Wills for the Linfield and Lindfield surnames from 1858-1920, which number 62 entries, or an average of exactly one for each year. (Ref 1)

In order to illustrate the amount of information which wills can provide for the family historian, I have set out the details which we currently have on the descendants of Thomas Lindfield, a carpenter and builder, who lived in London and died there in 1867. We have a number of other references to Thomas and his descendants, and this branch is a good example of how details from several sources are combined. In the interests of clarity, I have followed our usual convention of listing most of the sources as footnotes.

1. Thomas LINDFIELD #964 born about 1792, possibly in London, occupation shown as carpenter & builder, married (1) about 1814, Mary —– #965, born about 1895, married (2) Elizabeth —– #15086, living: 1867, 19 Stanhope St, Hampstead Rd, Middx. Thomas died 27 May 1867, 51 Hampstead Rd, Middx. (Ref. 2) Living 1839-1846, 19 Stanhope St, Hampstead Rd, Middx. (Ref 3) Shown in 1839 as carpenter and builder. (Ref. 4) Death registration reference 1b11 age given as 75, Pancras district. A Thomas LINDFIELD junior, is shown at Stanhope St, as bankrupt 1 Oct 1839, suggesting that his father was also possibly called Thomas. (Ref. 5) Shown as formerly of Woburn Mews in bankruptcy papers Sept 18, 1839. (Ref. 6) Bankruptcy Gazette Aug 31, 1852, shows as Superceded and Annulled: Lindfield, Thomas, jun. (filed Sept, 1839), late of Woburn Mews, Russell Square, now of Stanhope St, Hampstead Rd, builder. Probate 22 July 1867 shows him as late of 19 Stanhope St, died 27 May 1867 at 51 Hampstead Rd, on oath of Elizabeth LINDFIELD, widow, relict and sole exec; effects less than 450.

Children by Mary —–:


Milindor LINDFIELD #966 born about 1814, London, bp. 25 Dec 1814, Bermondsey, St John Horsley Downs, married 18 Aug 1838, in Newington, Camberwell, marr ref: opcs/m iv349, Newington, Henry LITTLE #2133. Assumed female; as Melinda? Derek Whatmore has name as Malinda on marr. record. Spelling Malinda in opcs/m.


Mary Ann LINDFIELD #7859 born about 1814, bp. 25 DEC 1814, Saint John Horseleydowns, Bermondsey, London.

iiiThomas LINDFIELD #8533 born about 1815, bp. 17 SEP 1815, Saint Mary, Newington, Surrey, England.2.ivThomas LINDFIELD #3099 born bef 1837. vAlfred LINDFIELD #5743 born about 1817, bp. 31 AUG 1817, Saint Mary, Newington, Surrey, England. Prev shown as son of #5745/5744.3.viAlfred LINDFIELD #14913 born about 1818. viiEliza LINDFIELD #967 born about 1823, London, bp. 2 Nov 1823, St Pancras, Old Church. Poss marr opcs/m 1b195, Q3/1877, Pancras viiiClarissa LINDFIELD #968 born about 1825, London, bp. 24 Jul 1825, St Pancras, Old Church. ixAmelia LINDFIELD #5768 born about 1825, bp. 24 JUL 1825, Old Church, Saint Pancras, London, Engla. xFrederick LINFIELD #972 born about 1826, London, bp. 26 Nov 1826, St Pancras, Old Church. xiFrederick LINDFIELD #15084 born about 1827, St Pancras, occupation Postman/carpenter, living: 30 Mar 1851, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras. Granted admon of estate of Lydia LINDFIELD #15083, in 1892. NOT PROVED TO BE THE SAME AS FRED SHOWN IN CR51 AT HARWOOD ST. Living 1892 St Pancras, shown as postman (Ref. 7). Shown as carpenter aged 24 in 1851 (Ref. 8). Unmarried in 1851, shown as brother of Alfred. Previously shown as son of #5745/5744. xiiCharles LINDFIELD #969 born about 1829, London, bp. 25 Oct 1829, St Pancras, Old Church, occupation Engineer, living: 1851, 19 Stanhope St, Hampstead Rd, Middx. Shown in 1851 census as aged 21, engineer, bn St Pancras, unmarried (Ref. 9). Also entered as #6008 from IGI import. Poss death q4 1900 Lambeth reference 1d232 age shown as 70 (Ref. 10). xiiiAugustus LINDFIELD #971 born about 1834, London, bp. 1 Apr 1836, St Pancras, Old Church, died q1—1898, London {Reg: St George, Hanover Square}. See also #4389/4479/4587/4616/4733. Death reference 1a409; age given as 64. xivEmily Clarissa LINDFIELD #970 born about 1835, London, bp. 11 May 1835, St Pancras, Old Church.

Next Generation

2. Thomas LINDFIELD #3099 born bef 1837, London?, married Elizabeth —— #3100, born about 1831, Somerset, died 28 Jan 1876, 151 Stanhope St, St Pancras, living: 1871, 151 Stanhope St, St Pancras. Thomas living: 1839, 19 Stanhope St, Hampstead Rd, Middx. Poss same as #8556 who md Q2 1855 Bethnal Green opcs/m 1c542. Elizabeth: Not proved that IGI and census return of 1871 refer to the same person. Shown as widow in 1871 census, at 151 Stanhope St. Sons J LINDFIELD & S LINDFIELD aged 14 & 12 shown in CR71 (Ref. 11). Visitor also shown: Paul WELKET, language teacher aged 32, bn Wirsitz, Prussia. Eliz shown as guardian of Fred L and Louisa Lavell Lindfield in administration of Mary LINDFIELD #14914. Her own will was proved on 2 March 1876 at the Principal Registry by James Vaughan of 1 Southampton St, Fitzroy Square, gentleman, the sole executor. Effects less than 600.


Eliza LINDFIELD #5083 born first quarter 1853, Gravesend, Kent, baptised 28 Jan 1853, Holy Trinity Church, Milton-by-Gravesend, Kent, birth reference 2a239. NOT PROVED TO BE DAU OF THIS THOS/ELIZ. Parents shown as Thos/Eliz in IGI; also entered as #6208 from IGI.


Henry LINDFIELD #4878 born q1—1856, London {Reg: St Pancras}, birth reference 1b1. No proof that Henry is son of Thomas; a J LINDFIELD is shown CR71, bn Pancras, aged 14, living 151 Stanhope St.

iiiSidney LINDFIELD #3096 born q2—1858, St Pancras, baptised 20 Apr 1858, St Pancras, Old Church, : birth reference 1b8, living: 1871, 151 Stanhope St, St Pancras. Spelling Sydney in IGI. Not proved to be the S LINDFIELD listed in CR71 at Stanhope St, shown as aged 12 bn Pancras, son of Eliz, widow. Brother aged 14, shown as J LINDFIELD also shown bn Pancras. No birth reference Pancras for J L; Henry #4878 is only Pancras entry at about the right time.

3. Alfred LINDFIELD #14913 born about 1818, St Pancras, occupation Glazier, married q3—1838, marr ref: opcs/m iv425, St Saviours, Southwark, Mary —– #14914, born about 1820, St Martin’s, Middx, died 19 Mar 1870, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras, living: 30 Mar 1851, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras. Alfred died bef 1870, St Pancras?, living: 30 Mar 1851, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras. Shown as glazier in CR51, aged 33, bn Middx, St Pancras. Poss same as #5743 bp 1817, Newington, Surrey. Prev shown as son of #5745/5744 Poss marr Q3 1838; NOT PROVED. Mary: Admons (with will attached) of the personal estate of Mary LINDFIELD, effects less than 600, granted at P/R 25 Apr 1870 to Eliz LINDFIELD of 151 Stanhope St, St Pancras, guardian of Fredk and Louisa Lavell LINDFIELD, minors, the universal legatees. Mary and Eliz both shown as widows. No Mary in death register.


Alfred LINDFIELD #4889 born q4—1841, London {Reg: St Pancras}, : birth reference i292, died q2—1853, {Reg: St Pancras}, living: 1851, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras. Shown as son of Alfred, and as aged 9 in 1851 (Ref. 12). Death ref in 1853 not proved.


James Lavell LINDFIELD #4865 born q3—1844, London {Reg: St Pancras}, : birth reference i296, died q4—1844, St Pancras. Poss bro of Geo Fredk 1846? NOT SHOWN IN CR51 AT HARWOOD ST. Poss the brother of Mary Lavel LINDFIELD who md Q3 1871 opcs/m 1b68 Pancras. Not pr to be bro of Fredk and Louisa; death register i281 and i286 St Pancras.

4.iiiGeorge Frederick LINDFIELD #4901 born q1—1846. ivJames LINDFIELD #5080 born q2—1849, London {Reg: St Pancras}, : birth reference i324, died q2—1867, London {Reg: Clerkenwell}, living: 30 Mar 1851, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras. Death reference 1b377; age shown as 18. Shown as son of Alfred, and aged 2 in CR51. lang=IT style=’mso-ansi-language: IT’>[HO 107/1498 f536v; PRO. St Pancras Dist, Kentish Town, enum dist 1p] vMary LINDFIELD #13832 born q1—1852, London {Reg: St Pancras}, : birth reference 1b39. NO EVIDENCE TO CONNECT WITH THESE PARENTS. Poss the Mary Lavel LINDFIELD who md Pancras Q3 1871 opcs/m 1b68, in which case Lavel name suggests connection. viFrederick LINDFIELD #3112 born q3—1854, London {Reg: St Pancras}, : birth reference 1b149. NOT SHOWN IN CR51 AT HARWOOD ST; NOT PROVED TO BE SON OF ALFRED. viiLouisa Lavell LINDFIELD #4868 born q4—1857, London {Reg: St Pancras}, : birth reference 1b146, married q4—1878, marr ref: opcs/m 1b1151, Holborn, —– —– #15509 (Ref. 13). Louisa living: 1870. Named as universal legatee with Frederick LINDFIELD, in admon of Mary L in 1870; both Fredk and Louisa shown as minors. Fred & L assumed to be siblings (Ref. 14). Not pr to be sister of #3112. Savell in birth reference; poss misprint for Lavell. NOT SHOWN IN CR51 AT HARWOOD ST. Spelling Lavell in opcs/m.

Next Generation

4. George Frederick LINDFIELD #4901 born q1—1846, London {Reg: St Pancras}, birth reference i329, occupation Plumber, married 3 Feb 1867, in St Pancras Old Church, marriage reference: opcs/m 1b92, Pancras, Mary Ann MASON #4413, born about 1846, St Pancras, living: 1871, 21 Bridgewater St, Somers Tn, St Pancras. George died q2—1891, London {Reg: St Pancras}, living: 1851, 53 Harwood St, Kentish Town, St Pancras. Prev also entered as #4412 from IGI. Shown as son of Alfred, and aged 5 in 1851 (Ref. 15).31 Shown as aged 23 in CR71, plumber, bn St Pancras, living at 21 Bridgewater St, Somers Town, St Pancras. Death reference 1b116; age given as 45. Mary: Shown as aged 25, born St Pancras, in 1871 (Ref. 16).


George Alfred LINFIELD #4414 born q2—1868, London {Reg: Pancras}, baptised 18 May 1868, St Pancras Old Church, birth reference 1b98, married q2—1889, in Pancras, marr ref: opcs/m 1b199, Pancras, Alice Jane HALL #14935, born about 1870, (daughter of —– HALL #16123 and —– —– #16124) living: 20 Jun 1916. George died 17 May 1916, living: 12 Jun 1909, 6a Palmerston Rd, S. Acton, Middx (Ref. 17). Also entered as #6643 from IGI import. Spelling LINDFIELD in opcs/b. His will made 12 June 1909 refers to wife Alice Jane, and her bro Frederick HALL; also his sister Susan ATKINS. Refers to his business and all stock; no children named. Probate granted 20 June 1916 to his widow Alice Jane sole exec. 4764 16s 11d (Ref. 18). Shown in 1871 at 21 Bridgewater St, Somers Town, St Pancras, aged 2 years and born St Pancras; living with parents and sister Susan (Ref. 19). ii

Susan Mary LINDFIELD #3197 born q1—1871, Pancras, birth reference 1b101, married bef 1909, —– ATKINS #14936. Susan living: 1871, 21 Bridgewater St, Somers Town, St Pancras. NOT PROVED TO BE DAUGHTER OF THIS MARRIAGE. Will of George Alfred in 1909 refers to sister Susan ATKINS; this Susan is the only one with a matching entry in births index for a brother Geo Alfred. Poss marriage reference Holborn Q3 1888 1b1196 (Ref. 20). Shown in 1871 census as aged 2 months, born St Pancras (Ref. 21).

From this short extract, it can be seen that the probate records have an important role in linking together names, dates, occupations, addresses and relationships, in a way which may not be possible from other records. The census records are perhaps the closest rivals in terms of usefulness, but they only give relationships between individuals at the same address, and are of course only available up to 1891. Wills and Administra
ions filed at Somerset House, on the other hand, can allow us to link families at several addresses, and are available for individuals who died as recently as 3 or 4 years ago.



1. Linfield and Lindfield Wills and Administrations 1858-1920 from the Calendar of Wills at Somerset House; Lin(d)field One Name Group 1995. ISBN 0 9522738 2 9

2. Probate Record, Somerset House

3. A Directory of London and its Suburbs; Pigot & Co, September 1839, and Post Office Directory 1846

4. A Directory of London and its Suburbs; Pigot & Co, September 1839

5. George Elwick’s Bankrupt Directory; p 257 from FONS

6. Perry’s Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette; Thos Perry 1852: xxvii 581.

7. Probate records, Somerset House

8. Census 1851, St Pancras; PRO; HO 107/1498 f536v.

9. Census 1851, Regents Park sub-district; enumeration district 19, no 320. PRO; HO107/1493 f784r.

10. Index of Deaths; St Catherines House

11. Census 1871; PRO: RG10 205 fo 32.

12. Census 1851 St Pancras Dist, Kentish Town, enumeration district 1p. PRO: HO 107/1498 f536v.

13. Marriage Index; St Catherines House

14. Probate records Somerset House

15. Census 1851, St Pancras Dist, Kentish Town, enum dist 1p; PRO: HO 107/1498 f536v

16. Census 1871; PRO: RG10 225 fo 44.

17. Will of George Alfred Lindfield, dated 12 June1909; from Somerset House

18. Probate records Somerset House

19. Census 1871; PRO: RG10 225 fo 44.

20. Marriage Index, St Catherines House

21. Census 1871; PRO: RG10 225 fo 44.


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