Recent Discoveries

One of the organisations from which we gather research material is the Family Origin Name Survey. This is an excellent service, which has set out to collect all types of documentary material and to search documents for occurrences of particular names. Among the recent references we have received from FONS, are several which we are still trying to identify. If anyone can help, or would like to research these mysterious Lin(d)fields further, do please let us know.

Richard Linfeild and Mary Brooke

This item came from a marriage bond at the Leicestershire Record Office, and is taken from the Leicester Archdeaconry Marriage Bonds. The bond in question is dated 1620 and refers to Richard Linfeild of the City of London and Mary Brooke of Leicester.

We have no record of a Richard Linfield in the City of London at this time, though there are several possibilities. One of the most interesting is that he might have been the grandfather of Robert Linfield (Ref. 1), of Barnards Inn, who died in 1685. A previous article (Ref. 2) detailed what little information we have on this family, most of which is drawn from Robert’s will.

Corporal C Linfield of New South Wales

Another reference received from FONS, and dated 1901, refers to the award to Corporal C Linfield of the DSO for service in S Africa. The award was reported in the London Gazette (Ref. 3) of 27 Sept 1901:

War Office, September 27, 1901. The King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments ……… and for the grant of the Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field to the undermentioned Officers and Soldiers in recognition of their services during the operations in South Africa. The whole to bear date 29th November, 1900, except where otherwise stated.

COLONIAL FORCES New South Wales Contingent. To be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order. …. Corporal C Linfield (Bearer Company). ……..

The only obvious candidate in the database is Charles LINFIELD, #15518, who we have recorded as living in 1868 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, where, on 24 February, he married Jane HUDSON, #15519. Both Charles and Jane are shown as adults on the marriage record. (Ref. 4)

The provision of military assistance by Australia to the British Government appears to date from 1885 when New South Wales offered a force for service in the Sudan, setting a precedent which was followed later in the Boxer Rising and the Boer War. In the case of the South African conflict, no fewer than 57 contingents were sent by one or other of the colonies.

Following the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1st January, 1901, the individual forces of the colonies came under central control. These numbered some 27,000 men in various permanent, volunteer and militia forces. Under the Defence Acts of 1903 and 1904, all Australian men aged between 18 and 60 were made liable for service in time of war and a Volunteer Militia of some 23,000 men was formed. (Ref. 5)

We cannot yet say for certain that the Charles who married Jane Hudson was indeed the same C Linfield who was awarded the medal; if any of our readers can help to identify the corporal who served in South Africa, we would obviously like to hear from you.

Martin de Lindfield

Many of the FONS items are extracted from the Public Record Office, and several have helped to confirm entries in the papers of Harry Stamford Smith, who researched the early Linfield families during the 1950’s. Unfortunately, he failed to leave detailed references to support his findings, and we have only recently been able to deduce from PRO documents, where he may have found his information.

One recent item, however, was of interest because Stanford Smith appeared not to have found it. It came from a Pipe Roll (Ref. 6) dated 1219, and refers to a Martin de Lindefeld. The entry is in Latin, much abbreviated, and is translated as follows:

Michaelmas 1219, Sussex

Amercements made by B. bishop of Rochester and his fellows

The same Sheriff renders account for half a mark from William de Monasterio because he has not had whom he pledged; and for half a mark from Martin de Lindefeld for the same.

This is the first reference we have found to a Martin de Lin(d)field in this period, and it raises more questions than answers. We can only speculate as to who this Martin might have been; it is of particular note though, that the documents relates to Sussex. Much of the previous evidence suggests that the families originated in Surrey, and only moved into Sussex late in the thirteenth century. If Martin is one of the 776 supposed descendants of Aelnoth de Linfield, this might suggest that the migration into Sussex started earlier than we had thought. Alternatively, Martin might have been an ancestor of what we generally refer to as the Bolney branch, whose earliest members are recorded in Sussex in the mid-sixteenth century, and who may or may not have descended from the Surrey branch.

Ernest George Linfield

Another medal which came to light through the FONS service, was the award of the Distinguished Service Medal to Ernest George Linfield in 1940. He is shown as a Petty Officer, number P/JX.130002, serving on H.M.S. Hampton, and the Admiralty notice was dated 11 July 1940. (Ref. 7)

The only Ernest George in the database at the right time was born 17 January 1902, and birth was registered in Horsham, Sussex. He was one of ten children of George Linfield and Amelia Maria Friend who married in 1897.

Patently Obvious?

Among the less obvious sources included in the FONS service, are the records of Patent Applications. Several Lin(d)field’s have applied for Patents for their inventions, and it is interesting to see the ideas which they claimed as their own.

In 1901, for example, we find an application by John Lindfield of 33 Cannon Street, London, in respect of an improved guard for carving forks (Ref. 8). The following year, one Herbert Ernest Lindfield (Ref. 9) applied for a patent for “improvements in and relating to mail carts and the like.” (Ref. 10) The address for the inventor is given as Imperial Chambers, Albert Street, Derby, though as in all these entries, the address may well have been that of a Patent Agent rather than the inventor. However, the address in this case suggests that Herbert may have lived in the Derby area, and this is consistent with the details we already have on record.

Some years earlier, Frank Fifield and John Lindfield applied to patent a device for preventing smoky chimneys. The address on the application is given as 12 Delahay Street, Westminster, London, and the application is dated 20 September 1893. (Ref. 11) In 1897, Thomas Lindfield applied to patent “Improvements in candlesticks, lampstands and the like.”  (Ref. 12)

Copies of the details of these inventions are no doubt available from public records. If any of our readers would like to write an article about these inventive Lin(d)fields, do please let me know and I will supply all the necessary details.

George Alfred Lindfield

Since the last issue of LONGSHOT, we have ordered a number of certificates from St Catherines House, in order to tidy up some of the “loose ends” in the database. Among these is the birth certificate of George Daniel Lindfield, born 28 May 1889, and registered in the district of West Derby which was then in the county of Liverpool. George turns out to be the son of George Alfred Lindfield, whose marriage to Mary Jane O’Neil we already had recorded. George Alfred is shown as a seaman in the merchant service, which perhaps explains the Liverpool connection. The details of this family are as follows:

1. —– LINDFIELD #16185 born bef 1840, married —– —– #16186. —– living: 1855, Brighton, Sussex. Poss John or George LINDFIELD both of whom married Q4 1842 Brighton; only male names listed of LINDFIELD spelling in Brighton between 1837-1856 in opcs/m; refs vii439 & 433 respectively.



George Alfred LINDFIELD #4793 born q1—1855, Brighton, Sussex, ref: opcs/b 2b184, died q2—1868?, {Reg: Cuckfield}.Poss same as #32 or #4298. Poss death ref opcs/d 2b81; age shown as 13. Poss the George Alfred who md Mary Jane o’Neil in Liverpool 1879.



George Alfred LINDFIELD #4387 born bef 1863.Possibly same as #4793 above.


Next Generation

2. George Alfred LINDFIELD #4387 born bef 1863, married 26 Jun 1879, in St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancs, marr ref: opcs/m 8b186, Liverpool, Mary Jane O’NEIL #4388, born bef 1863, living: 1879, Manchester?. George living: 1889, 236 Arlington St, Kirkdale, Liverpool. Also entered as #6641 from IGI import. Middle name from bc of Geo Daniel. Shown as seaman, merchant service, on bc of Geo Daniel. Poss same as #4793, born Brighton, Sussex 1855.




George Daniel LINDFIELD #5389 born 28 May 1889.


Next Generation

3. George Daniel LINDFIELD #5389 born 28 May 1889, 236 Arlington St, Kirkdale, Liverpool, ref: opcs/b 8b361, married q4—1910, in Stockport, marr ref: opcs/m 8a29, —– MARTIN #5390, born bef 1894, living: 1912, Stockport. George living: 1912, Stockport. Assumed to be same as #4526 entered from opcs/b as Geo Daniel; opcs/m shows George D LINDFIELD. NOT PROVED. #5402 previously shown as possible daughter, born 1908. Possible descendant of Thomas LINDFIELD #14875, railway clerk in Derby 1846. NO PROOF. Birth reg West Derby, Derbys Q3 1889.



Ernest LINDFIELD #5403 born q1—1911, Stockport, ref: opcs/b 8a99.Not proved to be son of these parents but shown as born Stockport in opcs/b.


William C LINDFIELD #5391 born q2—1912, Stockport, ref: opcs/b 8a190.



Gerard LINDFIELD #4792 born 7 Feb 1914.

Next Generation

4. Gerard LINDFIELD #4792 born 7 Feb 1914, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire, ref: opcs/b 8a199, married q4—1935, in Manchester S., marr ref: opcs/m 8d268, —– MUSCOTT #14802.



Norman LINDFIELD #3643 born q1—1936, Manchester S., ref: opcs/b 8d109

Walter Lindfield

Another connection was made on the basis of a birth certificate for Walter Henry Lindfield, who was born in 1849. His parents were revealed as Albert Lindfield and Ann Pitman, whose marriage we had on record as taking place in Dover, Kent in 1838. One of the children of Walter Henry is almost certainly the ancestor of one of our Australian members. We have yet to connect this Albert with any of the other branches; we will need his marriage certificate to find the names of his parents.

1. Albert LINDFIELD #2982 born abt 1820, Dover?, occupation Millwright, married 15 Apr 1838, in Dover, St Mary the Virgin, marr ref: opcs/m v141, Dover, Ann PITMAN #2983, born abt 1820, Dover?, living: 1849, Westerham, Kent. Albert living: 1838, Dover, Kent. Poss bro of #14955 (no evidence – name Walter Henry).




Walter Henry LINDFIELD #5082 born 17 Jul 1849.


Next Generation

2. Walter Henry LINDFIELD #5082 born 17 Jul 1849, Westerham {registered Sevenoaks,} Kent, ref: opcs/b v441, occupation Bricklayer, married q3—1872, in Croydon, Surrey, marr ref: opcs/m 2a368, Croydon, Eliza Alice —– #15378, born abt 1850. Walter living: 1888, 19 Alford Terr, Union Grove. See also Henry Walter LINDFIELD #5207; NO CONNECTION PROVED Shown only as Walter in opcs/b; not proved to be the Walter Henry who md 1872. Name of spouse from baptism records (Ref. 13). Not proved to be same as Walter Henry who married Eliza Alice and whose children were baptised at Clapham. Shown as bricklayer in baptism records of children.



Mabel Louise LINDFIELD #3750 born 25 Oct 1878, Lambeth, bp. 21 Aug 1888, Christ Church, Clapham, ref: opcs/b 1d538, living: 1888, 19 Alford Terr, Union Grove.2 out of 3 transcripts have name as Mabel; other has Maria. Mabel in bp record Parents shown as Walter Hy, bricklayer, and Eliza Alice [PR P95/CTC/2/4/1].


Grace Esther LINDFIELD #4023 born 1 Jan 1880, London {Reg: Fulham}, bp. 21 Aug 1888, Christ Church, Clapham, ref: opcs/b 1a285, living: 1888, 19 Alford Terr, Union Grove.Parents shown as Walter Hy, bricklayer, and Eliza Alice [PR P95/CTC/2/4/1]


Henry Walter LINDFIELD #3158 born 3 Apr 1888, Wandsworth, bp. 21 Aug 1888, Christ Church, Clapham, ref: opcs/b 1d666, living: 1888, 19 Alford Terr, Union Grove.Prob same as Hy Walter #5207. Regd opcs/b Q3 1888. Parents shown as Walter Hy, bricklayer, and Eliza Alice [PR P95/CTC/2/4/1]



Henry Walter LINDFIELD #5207 born bef 1908.


Next Generation

3. Henry Walter LINDFIELD #5207 born bef 1908, married q4—1924, marr ref: opcs/m 2b40, Southampton, Hants, Lily May KUTCHER #5208, born bef 1908. Henry living: Romsey, Hants. Poss same as #3158, Hy Walter bn Q3 1888, registered Wandsworth Poss desc fr
m #2990. Said to live Romsey, Kent; no Romsey known in Kent. Lily: Spelling NUTCHER in opcs/m.



Leonard A LINDFIELD #14910 born q3—1925, Southampton, Hants, ref: opcs/b 2c139.Name of mother shown as BUTCHER in opcs/b; NOT PROVED TO BE MISPRINT OF #5208.



Reginald Frederick LINDFIELD #5209 born 30 Oct 1926.


June R LINDFIELD #14909 born q2—1931, Sevenoaks, Kent, ref: opcs/b 2a1448.NOT PROVED TO BE DAUGHTER OF THIS MARRIAGE: name of mother shown as HUTCHER in opcs/b – poss misprint?


Next Generation

4. Reginald Frederick LINDFIELD #5209 born 30 Oct 1926, Romsey, Hants, ref: opcs/b 2c186, married 1960, in Georgetown, South Australia?, Audrey —– #5210, born c20, living: 1993, Georgetown, South Australia. Reginald living: 1993, Georgetown, South Australia, Australia. Emigrated to Australia in early 1950’s (Ref. 14). Poss connection with Mrs P Trimmer, researching Rudgwick, Reading & Canning Town branches?

Sarah Lindfield and Thomas Whitcombe

One of the marriage certificates now in our collection, is for the marriage, on 5th March 1857 of Sarah Lindfield to Thomas Whitcombe, both of whom are shown as living in Bermondsey. The marriage took place at the Church of St Mary Magdalen, in Bermondsey. He is shown as a Master Mariner, son of William

Whitcombe, gentleman, and her father is shown as George Lindfield, Hotel Keeper. He was aged 56 and a widower, whilst Sarah is shown as a spinster aged 43. The witnesses were William Stephenson and Benjamin Phillips.

We have no idea who this Sarah was, nor any record of a George Lindfield as a Hotel Keeper. If any of our readers have any ideas, we would be very interested to hear from them.

Harry Linfield and Annie Wood

Another marriage which helped to link up one of our members to an existing branch, was that of Harry Linfield and Annie Wood. They married at St Benets in the Parish of Stepney in 1901, and from his age and the name of his father, we can see that he was actually the Harry we had recorded as born in Shipley in 1872. He is shown as a policeman, unmarried and aged 28, whilst Annie was aged 27. They were both living at 90 Grafton Street, Stepney at the time.

Owen Lindfield

Those of you who have ordered certificates from the Group, will know that we sometimes use the services of a courier to avoid the expense of ordering certificates by post. The service is provided by Brenda Harper, who is also engaged in a one-name study of the Cramp families. Brenda kindly sends us any Lin(d)field references she finds in the course of her research, and amongst the most recent were the baptisms of two children baptised in Tonbridge, Kent in the 1850’s. Their parents are shown as Owen Lindfield, millwright, and his wife Elizabeth. Owen is probably the son of George Lindfield, who had a number of children between 1821 and 1835, all of whom appear in the Parish Registers of Frant in Sussex:

1. George LINDFIELD #6440 born abt 1800, married bef 1821?, in Frant?, Sarah _____ #6439, born abt 1800, living: 1835, Frant, Sussex, England. George living: 1835, Frant, Sussex, England.






Owen LINDFIELD #7963 born abt 1823.


Carey LINDFIELD #5973 born abt 1824, bp. 30 MAY 1824, Frant, Sussex, England, married q2—1846, marr ref: opcs/m v399, Maidstone, Kent, —– —– #14940.NO EVIDENCE TO LINK WITH SIBLINGS; ALL SHOW PARENTS GEO/SARAH AND BAPT FRANT.




Mary Anne LINDFIELD #7896 born abt 1828, bp. 24 FEB 1828, Frant, Sussex, England.NO EVIDENCE TO LINK WITH SIBLINGS; ALL SHOW PARENTS GEO/SARAH AND BAPT FRANT.


Sylvia Jane LINDFIELD #8456 born abt 1832, bp. 18 MAR 1832, Frant, Sussex, England, died q2—1838, {Reg: Tonbridge}.Death ref opcs/d v387; NOT PROVED TO BE THIS SYLVIA. Spelling Silvia in opcs/d NO EVIDENCE TO LINK WITH SIBLINGS; ALL SHOW PARENTS GEO/SARAH AND BAPT FRANT.


Julia Maria LINDFIELD #7427 born abt 1835, bp. 4 JAN 1835, Frant, Sussex, England.NO EVIDENCE TO LINK WITH SIBLINGS; ALL SHOW PARENTS GEO/SARAH AND BAPT FRANT.


Next Generation

2. Owen LINDFIELD #7963 born abt 1823, bp. 23 FEB 1823, Frant, Sussex, England, married Elizabeth —– #16201, born abt 1823, living: 1854, Tonbridge, Kent. Owen died q3—1860?, {Reg: Tonbridge}?. NO EVIDENCE TO LINK WITH SIBLINGS; ALL SHOW PARENTS GEO/SARAH AND BAPT FRANT. Poss death ref opcs/d 2a230.



George LINDFIELD #3110 born q2—1854, {Reg: Tonbridge}, bp. 4 Jun 1854, Tonbridge, Kent, ref: opcs/b 2a386.Parents shown as Owen & Elizabeth LINDFIELD (sic) on baptism record; Owen is shown as a millwright (Ref. 15).Spelling LINDFIELD in opcs/b. ii

Ellen LINDFIELD #4875 born q4—1856, Tonbridge, Kent, bp. 21 Dec 1856, Tonbridge, Kent, ref: opcs/b 2a375.Parents shown as Owen & Elizabeth LINFIELD (sic) on baptism record.Spelling LINDFIELD in opcs/b.letter from america – part 2


1. #3273 in database

2. Robert Linfield of Barnards Inn, LONGSHOT Vol 1, No 1, May 1992.

3. London Gazette 27359 6329; 27 Sept 1901.

4. Tasmanian Pioneers Index.

5. The Commonwealth Armies; Manpower and Organisation in two world wars, by F W Perry. ISBN 0 7190 2595 8. M.U.P 1988

6. Public Record Office: Pipe Roll 3 Henry III xi m.1d

7. London Gazette 34893 4258

8. Illustrated Official Journal (Patents) 665 1220; 2 October 1901. Application no 19,080, dated 24 September.

9. Database number #3306

10. Illustrated Official Journal (Patents) 709 1056; 7 August 1902. Application no 17,118, dated 2 August.

11. Illustrated Official Journal (Patents) 247 910; 27 Sept 1893. Application 17,707, dated 20 September.

12. Illustrated Official Journal (Patents) 469 1725; 29 December 1897. Application 30,452, dated 23 December.

13. Parish Registers, Christ Church, Clapham; P95/CTC/2/4/1

14. Letter from Audrey Lindfield Feb 1993

15. Parish Registers: Tonbridge Baptisms Jun 1854-Jun 1876.


One thought on “Recent Discoveries”

  1. Seeking history on Reginald Frederick lindfield since arrival in Australia including service records thanks

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